City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
speed the distance a fire engine can travel in four minutes is approximately 1.97 miles. 19 A polygon based on a 1.97 mile travel distance results in a service area that on average is 7.3 square miles. 20 From these comparisons, it can be seen that the service area covered by the two Morgan Hill stations is very much aligned with the noted references. The District, however, is much more difficult to compare as its service responsibilities incorporate both developed suburban populations and large expanses of agricultural areas and uninhabited wildland areas. This fact is borne out when we observe the overall response times from these facilities. Figures 5-2, 5-3, and 5-4 identify the station locations, along with 240-second (indicated by the red overlay), 360- second (indicated by the green overlay), and 480-second (indicated by the blue overlay) travel time benchmarks.
FIGURE 5-2: City and District Station Locations and Travel Times (red = 240 seconds)
19 University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service, Clinton Fire Location Station Study , Knoxville, TN, November 2012. p. 8. 20 Ibid., p. 9.
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