City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
Overall ■ The departments received an average of 15.1 calls per day, which includes 0.8 cancelled and 1.2 mutual aid calls. ■ There were an average 0.7 automatic aid received calls per day to which other agencies responded.
■ EMS calls for the year totaled 3,326 (60 percent of all calls), an average of 9.1 per day.
■ Fire calls for the year totaled 1,177 (21 percent of all calls), an average of 3.2 per day.
Fires ■ Structure and outside fires combined for a total of 192 calls during the year, an average of one call every 1.9 days. ■ A total of 28 structure fire calls accounted for 2 percent of the fire calls, with 82 percent occurring in SSCCFD’s coverage area. ■ A total of 164 outside fire calls accounted for 14 percent of the fire calls, with 65 percent occurring in SSCCFD’s coverage area.
■ Public service calls were the largest fire call category, making up 35 percent of the fire calls.
■ False alarm calls made up 29 percent of the fire calls.
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