City of Morgan Hill Water System Master Plan 2017
The City has completed several special studies intended to evaluate localized growth. These reports were referenced and used during this capacity analysis. The following lists relevant reports that were used in the completion of this master plan, as well as a brief description of each document: City of Morgan Hill Water System Master Plan, January 2002 (2002 WSMP). This report documents the planning and performance criteria, evaluates the sewer system, recommends improvements, and provides an estimate of costs. City of Morgan Hill 2035 General Plan, July 2016 (2035 General Plan). The City’s 2035 General Plan provides future land use planning, and growth assumptions for the planning areas. Additionally, this report establishes the planning horizon for improvements in this master plan. Recycled Water Feasibility Evaluation, March 2016 (2016 RWFE). The Recycled Water Feasibility Evaluation (RWFE) identified potential recycled water users through a market assessment. As part of the RWFE, infrastructure required to convey recycled water from the SCRWA WWTP in Gilroy to the potential users in Morgan Hill was identified. However, there are currently no plans to construct infrastructure for the purpose of providing recycled water to any of the identified potential users. Management Plan (UWMP) establishes a benchmark per capita water usage and targets in order to achieve higher levels of water conservation for the sustainability of water supply sources. This includes adopting an updated water shortage contingency plan, defining supply sources, addressing supply reliability, and projecting sustainable supply yields and future demands. 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (2015 UWMP). The 2015 Urban Water Chapter 1 - Introduction. This chapter provides a brief background of the City’s domestic water system, the need for this master plan, and the objectives of the study. Abbreviations and definitions are also provided in this chapter. Chapter 2 - Planning Areas Characteristics. This chapter presents a discussion of the planning area characteristics for this master plan and defines the land use classifications. The planning area is divided into several planning sub-areas, as established by the City’s planning division. Chapter 3 - System Performance and Design Criteria. This chapter presents the City’s performance and design criteria, which was used in this analysis for identifying current system capacity deficiencies and for sizing proposed distribution mains, storage reservoirs, and wells. 1.6 REPORT ORGANIZATION The water system master plan report contains the following chapters:
June 2017
City of Morgan Hill Water System Master Plan
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