Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

operational and the Division has transitioned to a paperless system.

Job Descriptions

In reviewing the job descriptions for the Division, we found that many of them contained inaccurate supervisor title references. 110. Recommendation: The Community Development Director should work with the Human Resources Department to update job descriptions for the Division.

Meetings/Communication/Team Work/Morale

There are a number of reoccurring, regularly scheduled meetings in the Planning Division, which are intended to advance communication and coordination between the Division and related development-related functions in the Department, including the following: ▪ A regularly scheduled weekly meeting held on Tuesdays between the Assistant City Manager for Community Development, the Community Development Director and Planning Division Staff to discuss tentative agenda items, current planning issues and exchange information. Building Division staff attends when they have an item they want to discuss with planners; ▪ A regularly scheduled weekly one-on-one meeting held between the Community Development Director and his direct (planner) reports; ▪ A regularly scheduled weekly Leadership Team/Huddle Tuesday morning meeting held between the City Manager and Department heads, which are attended by the Assistant City Manager for Community Development and Community Development Director). The meetings are held to review the CC agenda, Council or City priorities and discuss management/leadership issues or other topics of interest; ▪ A regularly scheduled Monday afternoon meeting between the Assistant City Manager for Community Development and the Community Development Director to discuss department issues and items of information; and ▪ An as needed manager-level meeting between the Community Development Department and Department of Public Works manager (Staff indicated that this meeting has not been held in some time). Due to time constraints, we were not able to observe any of these meetings to assess how well they function. However, we obtained a copy of an agenda for the regularly scheduled Tuesday Division staff meeting and a recent Leadership Team

Morgan Hill, California


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