Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

Agreement processing increased by 63%. There was also a slight increase in Business License reviews and Building Permit Reviews. In addition, 270 housing unit allocations were granted through the RDCS system for Fiscal Years 2014/15 and 2015/16.

Administrative Support

Administrative support is largely provided by the Municipal Services Assistant (MSA) In addition, some administrative support is provided by the Development Services Technician (DST) through counter activities and processing of deposits for contract planners and by the Support Services Supervisor, who provides by helping to answer the phones and routing the calls to the appropriate departments within the building, as needed. The MSA is responsible for providing office and technical support including, Planning Commission packet distribution, public notices, preparing and distributing Division meeting and PC meeting and agendas, filing and updating Tide Mark and project status reports. We did not receive any feedback that additional administrative support is needed in the Division and no backlogs were reported. After reviewing activity levels and available administrative support resources it appears that administrative support staffing resources are adequate in the Planning Division at this time. Although the Planning Division consists of both Current Planning and Long-Range Planning Programs, the majority of the work effort dedicated to Long-Range Planning is accomplished through 1 FTE Senior Planner and supplemented by Professional Services provided by various specialized community planning and environmental consulting firms. Additional labor is also provided by the Community Development Director, who spends about 10% of his time leading the implementation of the Agricultural Land Use Preservation Program and Southeast Quadrant Area Plan, which is another key focus area of the Long-Range Program. In addition, beginning in February, the newly hired Associate Planner will be programmed to provide 50% of their time on Long-Range Planning efforts, predominantly supporting the General Plan Update, map production, ordinance work and transportation planning. A major priority project for the Long-Range Planning program is the Morgan Hill 2035 project, which is in the final stage of completion and includes comprehensive update of the City's General Plan, Zoning Code and Residential Development Control Advanced (Long-Range) Planning

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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