Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
In reviewing the PC Minutes that have been posted online, it appears that Minute preparation is fairly up-to-date and posted online and available to the public under the “Commission and Boards” tab on the City’s Website. The PC meeting schedule appears to be adequate to meet the caseload, in that meetings are occasionally cancelled when caseloads wane and special meetings can be held when activity peaks or special projects need to be heard. Agenda Packets Interviews with Commission members and staff indicated that electronic agenda packets are downloaded into Drop Box, typically 4 calendar days prior to the Tuesday hearing, so that they are immediately accessible to members. However, some PC members feel that 4 days is insufficient time to review multiple packets for larger agendas, where several complex projects are scheduled to be heard. We agree. Best practice communities typically provide a minimum of 7 calendar days for review. 120. Recommendation: The Community Development Director should establish a formal policy and include it in a policy and procedures manual to require agenda packets to be distributed one week (7 calendar days) prior to the scheduled PC meeting/hearing. According to interviewees, the PC members have been using I Pads for about 3 years to review agenda materials, which is good. However, some PC members still receive paper plan copies as they prefer to review paper copies of plans because they are difficult to read electronically. We understand this perspective, however, the City prides itself in being sustainable and needs to move away from preparing and distributing paper copies in order to further its goal of becoming less paper dependent. It may also be useful to have commissioner training on reading electronic plans. 121. Recommendation: The Planning Commission should work towards receiving only electronic agenda materials and receive training to read electronic plans, if needed. Joint Study Sessions with the City Council Interviewees stated that the PC has been having on going Joint Study Session Meetings with the CC as part of the Morgan Hill 2035 project, which is good. However, some of our interviewees believe that Bi-annual Joint Meetings should also
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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