Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

In addition to processing the above planning application permits, the Development Services Tech and POD will also review and sign off on routine building permits, such as basic accessory structures that meet required setbacks and height limitations.

Figure 8 below, shows the general flow of a typical over-the-counter planning process for administrative approvals.

Figure 8 General Over-the-Counter Administrative Approval Process

Dev. Serv. Tech or POD Screens Application for Requirements/ Eligibility

All Information Submitted & Eligible

Dev. Serv. Tech or POD may confer with Engineering, Building, Fire, Parks Staff as Required

Application Submitted at the Counter to Dev. Serv. Tech or Planner on Duty (POD) anytime M-F

Dev. Serv. Tech or POD logs into book; takes fee and writes receipt


Dev. Serv. Tech or POD Stamps / signs plans/permit; copy to applicant



Application is Approved (stamped) over the Counter

Building Permit May Be Required for Signage

The process typically takes less than 20 minutes, but processing time is not yet measured (see our below recommendation for establishing a performance measure for serving walk in customers). The process generally works as follows: 1. The applicant makes a submittal at the Development Services counter anytime during normal business hours, Monday through Friday to either the Development Services Technician (DST) or the Planner on Duty (POD), whoever is available; 2. The (DST) or (POD) reviews the submittal against a checklist to make sure it is complete, meets code requirements and is eligible for over-the-counter approval; 3. The Planner logs the project into the log book and the Tide Mark Permit Tracking, takes in the fee and provides a written receipt; 4. The (DST) or (POD) may collaborate with building, fire, engineering or others as needed to review before approving;

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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