Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

 Review of two employee questionnaires;

 Review of email survey to customers; and

 Zucker Systems staff spent time in Morgan Hill November 16, 2015 and January 26, 27, and 28, 2016.

C. A REAS OF S TRENGTH We have highlighted various areas of city strengths in the detailed chapters of this report. A few overview specifics are outlined below:  Morgan Hill is moving ahead with the new TRAKiT permit system, which is a good software selection for the city;  Management created a productive blending of staff, supplemented with consultants;

 Development fees have been isolated in a special revenue fund, (e.g., fund);

 Collocation of building, engineering and planning staff;

 Building Official is a Certified Building Official (CBO) and ICC Building Inspector with 30 years’ experience in Morgan Hill;

 Building Division utilizes combination inspectors to achieve greater efficiency;

 Building Inspector being trained to assume Fire Plans Examiner/Inspector responsibilities within the Building Division;

 The Code Enforcement program was recently audited by outside consultant;

 The City offers incentive pay to encourage employees to obtain additional job related certifications;

 Senior Civil Engineer has 26 years of experience with City of Morgan Hill;

 Staff strives to provide excellent customer service;

 The City is in the final stage of completing the Morgan Hill 2035 project, which encompasses a comprehensive update of the City’s General Plan, Zoning Code and Residential Development Control System;  A Station Area Planning Grant was awarded for planning work in the Downtown;  Two of the regular full-time Senior Planners have considerable tenure (e.g., one 26 years and the other 10 years) and helped to preserve the Division’s institutional knowledge;  The Planning Permit Fee Schedule is currently being updated to reflect 100% full cost recovery, which is a best practice.

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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