Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
reviewing and approving over-the-counter planning permits (e.g., sign permits, temporary banners) and building permits (e.g., tenant improvements, small accessory structures, etc.), administrative use permits, and business license reviews, deposit processing and application submittals. Generally, the POD’s will handle the TI and other building permit reviews and the DST handles the business license reviews and contract planner deposit processing . There is a receptionist station to the left of the front counter, where walk-in customers sign in and are directed to the appropriate staff for assistance. Customers are served in the order received and their appeared to be adequate chairs and tables for customers to sit while waiting to be served. Staff indicated that the Division has not established a policy to serve customers within 15 minutes, which is a standard typically used by best practice communities. 147. Recommendation: The Community Development Director should establish a formal 15-minute wait performance standard Front Counter customers, which should be tracked in TRAKiT, monitored and reported on quarterly.
Planning Commission and City Council Approval Processes
The steps involved in the Planning Application Approval process, vary, depending on the type of application, which determines whether it requires Planning Commission (PC) and/or City Council (CC) approvals.
Figure 11 below is a flow chart that shows the general steps in the existing PC and CC approval processes. A summary discussion follows.
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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