Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

different recommendations and decisions that the Council, it was felt that some disagreement is expected and that the PC was thought to be in alignment with the Council.

Residential Development Control System (RDCS) RDCS was approved by voter initiative in 1977 and the city, in partnership with the community and other stakeholders, is actively working on amendments to the System, which will be voted on by the citizens in November of this year. Administration of the System is labor intensive for staff and difficult for developers, however it has produced quality development and generally paced growth as intended. Currently, the City is experiencing a lot of development activity as a result of the backlog of housing units not built during the great recession now under construction (e.g., allocations granted in previous years and during the recession are now being exercised), which is concerning for some citizens. RDCS revisions are anticipated to encourage a more consistent annual distribution of housing units, among other things. Staffing Some Council Members indicated that building and the engineering function in Public Works may be short staffed and expressed that staffing shortages need to be identified and corrected. Members indicated that the Community Development Department lost a lot of institutional knowledge over the last few years due to layoffs, retirements, etc. of tenured staff. Additional training may be needed for CDD staff to boost skills. Zucker Systems Study – City Comparisons The majority of Council expressed little desire to include a comparative analysis in this Study, which would compare Morgan Hill against similarly situated cities in the area would add little value, since Morgan Hill is so unique as compared to other cities. Two Council Members suggested that Morgan Hill be compared with Livermore, Danville and Vacaville, in the areas of application fees, staffing levels and processing time, if a comparative analysis was to be included. F OCUS G ROUP O NE A group of three customers met on January 26 at the Community Center in a confidential meeting with a Zucker Systems staff to discuss their experience with the Morgan Hill development process. The group included two consultants specializing in development entitlements and one general contractor. Issues discussed are arranged alphabetically below. B.

Morgan Hill, California


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