Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

Q13. The turnaround time for review and approval or disapproval of my application was not any longer in Morgan Hill than other cities or counties where I have filed applications, 53% negative.

Planning Planning had many negative responses on 18 of 18 questions, 3 exceeding our 15% negative, 6 exceeding 25% and 9 exceeding 40%. These are some of the worst scores we have seen in our many studies. Q4. I understand the City’s Development Review and Plan Check processes. They are straightforward and not unnecessarily cumbersome or complex, 56% negative responses.

Q6. Staff provides prompt feedback on incomplete submittals, 56% negative.

Q8. In general, the City staff anticipated obstacles early on and provided options where they were available, 56% negative. Q9. Plan checking is complete and accurate. Additional problems did not surface later that should have been caught in the initial review, 44% negative.

Q10. Services were completed by the date promised , 63 % negative.

Q11. The City’s promised delivery dates are reasonable and acceptable, 53% negative. Q13. The turnaround time for review and approval or disapproval of my application was not any longer in Morgan Hill than other cities or counties where I have filed applications, 53% negative.

Development Review Committee The Development Review Committee was considered useful by Building and Engineering/Public Works but Planning was 33% negative.

Planning Commission and City Council All respondents found that the Planning Commission and City Council treated them fairly and were courteous.

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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