Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
scanning documents and plans in recognition of both the need to conserve valuable office space and to prepare for the day when these documents will be available to the public through the soon to be implemented TRAKiT permit system. Ironically, it is the Building Inspectors who have had to move their workstations into the exit aisle ways because all other space has been occupied by staff or file cabinets. 11. Recommendation: The City Manager should direct that a comprehensive records management program be implemented that includes the digitization and indexing of records. The Community Development function is headed by an Assistant City Manager for Community Development. Reporting to the Assistant City Manager are a Community Development Director, Economic Development Manager, Housing Manager and Support Services Supervisor as shown in Figure 2. The Community Development Department consists of 17 positions headed by a Community Development Director. The Building Division consists of 9 positions headed by a Building Manager. Others involved in Morgan Hill development consists of four positions in the Public Works Department, a Director of Public Works, Senior Engineer for Development, Associate Engineer, and Junior Engineer. E. O RGANIZATION
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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