Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

Organization This Division reports to the Building Official who currently directly supervises the counter support staff while a Building Inspector Supervisor supervises the day-to-day activities of the inspection staff.

Table 4 Building Division Staffing

# of Positions (FTEs)



Building Manager/Building Official

Oversees the Building Division and serves as Chief Building Official. Reports to Assistant City Manager for Community Development. Supervises all field inspection activity. Also performs minor plan reviews. Reports to Building Official. Performs inspections of building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, energy and accessibility construction work. (Combination Inspections). Reports to Building Inspector Supervisor. One of these positions is being trained to assume Fire Code plan review and inspections. Performs fire plan reviews and field inspections. An experienced part-time employee is filling position currently. Responsibilities include mentoring Building Inspector to assume responsibility for the program. Position will be phased out when in-house Building Inspector is fully trained to assume these responsibilities. Reports to Building Inspector Supervisor. Provides customer support at counter to intake permit applications and plans and respond to customer inquiries. Reports to Building Official. Position provides clerical support to Division including records management (scanning), answering phones and counter backup. This position is currently providing critical backup to allow Development Service Technicians to actively participate in TRAKiT system implementation. Reports report to Building Official. Provides expertise on evaluating the impact and mitigation of local geologic hazards as they relate to new construction. Investigates citizen complaints regarding zoning, dilapidated buildings, housing and other code enforcement related violations. This employee may also perform building inspections during peak levels of inspection requests. Reports to Building Official


Building Inspector Supervisor


Building Inspector


Fire Plans Examiner (part- time) Development Services Technician



Municipal Services Assistant


City Geologist


Code Enforcement Officer



Total FTE’s

Current Staffing including part-time positions

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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