Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
commercial applications. It was realized that the need for professional engineering expertise was very rare and could be easily obtained on an as-needed basis through access to an outside consulting firm with in-house engineers. These jurisdictions also discovered that possession of a license as a professional engineer or registered architect did not automatically insure the individual possessed the managerial or communications skills necessary to effectively work with employees and customers. We would recommend the City focus their Chief Plans Examiner recruitment efforts on confirming the individual has minimum ICC Certifications and the type of personality that reflects a problem-solving attitude. 38. Recommendation: The Building Division should recruit a Chief Plans Examiner position based on appropriate ICC Certifications and a personality that reflects a problem-solving attitude. Code Enforcement Activities Morgan Hill employs one (1) full time Code Enforcement Officer under the direct supervision of the Building Official in the Building Division. We have seen many organizational arrangements for commercial and housing code enforcement programs. Being that the primary responsibilities of the program is to investigate and resolve code violations dealing with both zoning and building regulations, placing the program within the Building Division is an appropriate choice. This arrangement also allows the Building Official to assign the Code Enforcement Officer to perform building inspections during peak periods of inspection requests. The City recently contracted for a study of the Code Enforcement Program. At the time of our on-site interviews, this report was still in a draft form and not available for our review. Rather than potentially duplicate information that may be in that report we simply offer a few recommendations based on our limited review of the program 39. Recommendation: The Code Enforcement program should establish performance standards for responding to complaints and resolving complaints based on complexity. 40. Recommendation: The Code Enforcement program should be fully integrated into the new TRAKiT system to allow the sharing of information necessary to resolve construction related violations.
41. Recommendation: The Code Enforcement program should post monthly activity reports on the City website.
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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