Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
the receipt and routing of plans under the direction of the Chief Plans Examiner. The code enforcement function would still report directly to the Building Official.
43. Recommendation: The Building Official should adopt the recommended organization chart identified below.
Figure 5 Proposed Building Division Organization
Assistant City Manager Community Development Leslie Little
Building Official Ken DeLuna
Code Enforcement Officer John Amos
Chief Plans Examiner Proposed
Building Inspector Supervisor Eric Bloomquist
Building Inspector Daniel Cartwell
Fire Plan Review & Inspection Wayne Hokanon (PT)
Development Service Technician Anna Saenz
Building Inspector Ron Wake
Development Service Tech Elizabeth Bassett
City Geologist Jim Baker
Building Inspector Steve Pennington (PT)
Municipal Services Asst Christie Thomas
The original organizational chart that we were provided for the Community Development Department differs from the information we were advised to follow once we arrived onsite for interviews. The principal change to the organizational structure was temporarily realigning the organization to have the Building Official report directly to the Assistant City Manager for Community Development. Based on the issues we observed during our onsite interviews as well as physical observations of the various operations within the Community Development Department, we
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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