Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

Many individuals placed in such a position rely on relationships they have developed through participating in professional associations to help them gain needed perspective in dealing with new and unusual code enforcement challenges. We encourage City’s to allow their staff to participate in professional associations and thereby gain additional insights in how other jurisdictions have exercised flexibility in solving difficult enforcement problems. Similar to International Code Council (ICC) local Chapters for Building Official, professional associations for Fire Prevention Officers exist in the region and should be considered as a resource for the Inspector assuming the fire plan review and inspection responsibilities for Morgan Hill. 46. Recommendation: The Building Inspector assigned to perform fire plan review and inspections should be encouraged to participate in the local chapter of the Fire Prevention Officers Association to gain perspective from other seasoned professionals. Job Descriptions A review of the various job descriptions for employees in the Building Division indicates that the documents have not been updated to reflect current titles of organizations that provide skill related certifications. The current Job Descriptions do not readily identify the date when they were last updated, but in the case of the Development Services Technician Job Description, the reference to ICBO Certification has not been appropriate since the three major code development groups merged into the International Code Council (ICC) in 1990. Human Resources should work with the Building Official to update any current job descriptions that still reference outdated terminology or organizational references. Additionally, job descriptions should readily identify when the document was last updated so that staff can be assured they are working with the most current description. 47. Recommendation: The Building Official should work with Human Resources Department to update current job descriptions to reflect proper terminology and references to organizations that provide professional certifications. 48. Recommendation: The Building Official should work with Human Resources to include a revision date on all job descriptions. Performance Reporting We have stressed throughout this report the importance of establishing and tracking performance standards to confirm services are being delivered at the level the community expects. We recognize that Morgan Hill does not currently have a system in place that identifies and tracks compliance with these community expectations. We believe the incorporation of performance standards into the TRAKiT permit system

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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