Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

factors, we believe the number of inspections performed per day per Inspector is within the range that allows adequate time to perform a quality inspection. It appears that measures have been taken through their automated inspection request process to insure the daily workload does not exceed the number of inspections that staff can effectively perform. A byproduct of this arrangement, however, is that frequently customers cannot receive the required inspection on the day they need it because all of the available inspections for that day have already been allocated. This has resulted in some inspections being delayed by as much as two weeks during the busy summer months. Clearly this is unacceptable performance as it creates significant disruptions in the flow of construction projects. An apparent solution would be to simply modify the inspection request program to allow for a larger number of inspection requests to be granted per day, but such an approach would ignore the importance of allocating sufficient time to allow the inspector to perform a quality inspection. The solution lies in a combination of augmenting staff and gaining additional efficiencies. Staffing options are discussed in this section while potential process changes are included in the Inspection section under Process improvements. As discussed previously in the section on Performance Standards, the process of establishing appropriate staffing levels is based on the concept that the performance standard should remain constant while City Management adjusts the availability of resources to match the fluctuation in the demand for services. In an ideal environment, it would be possible to establish the actual amount of time that would be required to perform the variety of tasks necessary to meet a specific demand for service. Based on the quantity of service demands, it would then be possible to quantify the total volume of resources the City would need to have available to complete the assigned work. Where service demands exceed available resources, Management would be tasked to secure additional resources through authorizing overtime or employing additional staff either full-time, part-time or on a contract basis.

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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