Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

Interviews with staff suggest that some of the quality control problems they are experiencing can be attributed to the influx of new engineering firms now participating in the development process in Morgan Hill. For many years only local Engineers submitted plans for development review. Over time, those staff reviewing the plans and the Engineers submitting the projects developed a strong understanding of the level of information that should be included in the submittals. This arrangement resulted in a generally expedited process that rarely required numerous resubmittals. Unfortunately, the increase in volume of projects being submitted by Engineers unfamiliar with local requirements has led to a tendency of Engineers to submit plans with minimal information. This has resulted in the need for far more plan resubmittals than what was considered ordinary in previous years. Information provided by employee and customer surveys also expressed a belief that this group has been reluctant to participate in programs intended to improve customer service such as embracing the implementation of the TRAKiT permit system as a means of enhancing accountability and improving the transparency of the review process. This was the only group that did not complete the requested confidential employee surveys prior to our on-site interviews. While this report contains many recommendations intended to enhance customer service, we acknowledge that some of these improvements will require the acquisition of additional staff resources. We are also aware that much of the current dissatisfaction expressed by customers and staff is a direct consequent of what we believe is insufficient staffing of these programs. Authority Section 17.12.030 of the Morgan Hill Municipal code established the duties of the City Engineer to include the following:  Establishing design and construction details, standards and specifications;  Determining if proposed subdivision improvements comply with the provisions of this title and the Map Act and for reporting the findings together with any recommendations for approval, or conditional approval, of the tentative map to the community development director;  The processing and certification of final maps, reversion to acreage maps, and amended maps; the processing and approval of subdivision improvement plans, lot line adjustments, mergers and certificates of compliance;

 The inspection and approval of subdivision improvements; and

 The acceptance of private improvements (improvements not to be maintained by the city.)

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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