Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
Table 17 Long Range Planning Activity
FY 2010/11 Circulation & Housing
FY 2011/12
FY 2012/13
FY 2013/14
FY 2014/15
General Plan Elements
General Plan Amendments Zoning Code Text Amendments
4 2 3
5 2
2 1 8 2 1
2 2 8 8
Zone Map Changes
Dev. Agreement Amend.
- -
- -
Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan
Morgan Hill 2035 Project (includes Gen. Plan Update, Zoning Code Update, Res. Dev. Control System Update, Dev. and Infrastructure Master Plans for Water, Sewer, Storm Drain and Telecommunications)
On going through 2016
On going
As the above Table shows, the Division has completed a significant volume of General Plan Amendments and Zoning Map Changes. In addition, the Circulation and Housing Elements were updated. In FY 2012/13, the Division initiated the Morgan Hill 2035, which is multi-year project that includes multiple land use policy documents, as noted in the table. In addition, the FY 2015/16 budget indicates that staff is also working on implementing Southeast Quadrant agricultural preservation and land use plans, which is another important priority project for council. P OSITIVE F INDINGS We found many positive features in the Planning Division, some of which are highlighted below: B. The Division has established a Planner on Duty system to ensure that planning staff are available to walk-in counter customers continuously. The Division is in the final stage of completing the Morgan Hill 2035 project, which encompasses a comprehensive update of the City’s General Plan, Zoning Code and Residential Development Control System; A Station Area Planning Grant was awarded for planning work in the Downtown; Two of the regular full-time Senior Planners have considerable tenure (e.g., one 26 years and the other 10 years) and helped to preserve the Division’s institutional knowledge; Staff strives to provide excellent customer service;
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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