Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
93. Recommendation: Performance Standards should be included in the TRAKiT system so that data can be collected, tracked, monitored and reported monthly. Division staff generates and posts a RDCS Quarterly Status Report on the Division’s web page that provides a summary of the residential projects that received building allocations through the Residential Development Control System, which is required by Measure C. The Division also generates a Commercial and Industrial Project Status Reports and corresponding map showing project locations, and a Residential Project Status Report. Generating and posting status reports that contain summary information about current project in the City is a best practice, however, we noted that the Residential Report was dated February 2015 and the Commercial and Industrial Report was dated 2012. Status reports need to be up-to-date to provide value. 94. Recommendation: The Planning Division should update the Residential and Commercial/Industrial Status Reports posted on-line and keep them up to date. 95. Recommendation: Once the TRAKiT system is programmed to collect performance data, the Community Development Director should generate monthly reports on the performance data. We were not told of any other report that is generated by the Division to help them monitor workflow and performance. Our interviews with staff indicated that the Division has not yet established performance measures for Planning Application processing (See our discussion under the “Performance Measures” heading). Equipment/Supplies Planning Division staff reported that they generally have adequate equipment to conduct assigned work. However, there is a need to continue to replace outdated computers. For example, staff reported that computers do not have adequate capacity to install collaborated tools, such as Drop Box, WebEx, GoTo Meeting, or Screen Sharing, which are excellent tools for collaborating with remote contract planning staff and consultants as well as developers who reside out of the area. 96. Recommendation: The Community Development Director should determine computer update/replacement needs and budget for or utilize computer hardware budget monies to replace outdated computers with sufficient storage capacity to accommodate needed software.
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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