FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget
Human Resources (continued)
• Continued to support Work on Wellness (WOW) by providing on-site seminars on various health related topics • Organized a Health Benefits Fair during open enrollment where employees met with benefit providers to better understand their health benefits • Offered free flu-shots to all employees during the Health Benefits Fair • Satisfied the mandated biennial AB1825 Harassment Prevention training by offering the choice to participate in either on-line or in-person training, with a total of 86 managers/supervisors being trained, as well as 21 elected officials and commission members • Trained hiring managers to use the on-line applicant tracking software that facilitates access to application materials • Coordinated and scheduled various trainings and webinars on a range of Human Resources topics • Served on the Citywide Emergency Operations Center’s (EOC) Logistics and Supply Teams • Collaborated with the Information Services Division and the City Manager’s Office to explore developing a City Intranet, and assisted in mentoring a group of San Jose State University students to work on the project • Attended and assisted in facilitating two customer service team-building retreats with the entire Administrative Services Department • Partnered with Preferred Alliance to conduct on-site drug and alcohol Reasonable Suspicion Testing Training for Supervisors responsible for overseeing Class A drivers. Negotiate fiscally responsible labor agreements with the City's three bargaining groups, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Local 101, Community Service Officers Association (CSOA), and Morgan Hill Police Officers' Association (POA) for contracts expiring in December 2018, while continuing to provide salaries and benefits that attract and retain a qualified workforce (Financial Stewardship, Preserving and Cultivating Public Trust, Fostering a Positive Organizational Culture) • Update City of Morgan Hill Personnel Rules (Preserving and Cultivating Public Trust, Fostering a Positive Organizational Culture) • Continue to collaborate with the Information Services Division to develop a City intranet to help disseminate information and announce Human Resources events and provide resources (Fostering a Positive Organizational Culture) • Update job descriptions as new recruitments commence and as needed to reflect positions' desired outcomes (Preserving and Cultivating Public Trust, Fostering a Positive Organizational Culture) • Provide a state-mandated biennial AB1825 Harassment Prevention training to all supervisors, managers, elected officials and commissioners and offer the choice to participate in either on- FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Activity Goals •
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