FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget



Division Description The Finance Division maintains the financial records of the City and prepares financial and statistical data applicable to all funds of the City and the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency. Responsibilities include cash management; investment; budgeting; financial forecasting; accounting; cashier operations; business license administration; debt management; payroll; purchasing; payables; receivables (including billing and collection of City accounts); financial system information; and support to other departments. Finance works closely with the elected City Treasurer to assure timely and appropriate investment of City funds, in compliance with the City’s Investment Policy and Procedures. FY 2016-17 and 2017-18 Accomplishments • The City received an award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for achieving the highest standards in governmental accounting and financial reporting for the FY 16-17 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report; the City has received the award for 23 consecutive years • The City received the GFOA and California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) awards for excellence in budgeting for the FY 16-18 Biennial Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budget • Coordinated, compiled, audited, and submitted to the County and State two annual Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules (ROPS) and the corresponding true-ups of actual expenditures from prior ROPS periods • Completed periodic reporting on post-issuance compliance for tax-advantaged bonds to City Council • Finalized the Transient Occupancy Tax audit and together with Economic Development Team presented the audit results to City Council • Assisted Development Services Department with the completion of the User Fee Update • Worked with City’s Office of Emergency Services to recover approximately $200,000 from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the State for damages caused and staff resources spent responding to the January and February 2017 winter storms • Implemented the automated fixed assets software to streamline the management and monitoring of City’s fixed assets • Successfully cross-trained teammates in critical payroll, accounts receivable, and accounts payable functions to ensure continuity of department operation and effective succession planning



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