FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget
Facility Services (continued)
FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Activity Goals • Successfully transition to new operator/partner for Outdoor Sports Center (Maintaining Fiscal Responsibility; Supporting Our Youth, Seniors, and Entire Community) • Update and implement marketing strategy to rent Community Center during underutilized times (Maintaining Fiscal Responsibility) • Secure a consistent renter for the Council Chamber on Saturdays or Sundays (Maintaining Fiscal Responsibility) • Continue to provide low cost “community use” and non-profit rates for a variety of youth and community serving organizations (Supporting Our Youth, Seniors, and Entire Community) • Continue to provide a community board/table for sharing of community information as well as managing community use of the digital display board at the CCC (Community Engagement and Messaging) Financial Comments The primary revenue sources for the Facility Rentals division include the Gavilan College lease, Community & Cultural Center room rentals, South Valley Civic Theater Playhouse lease, Aquatics Center pool rentals, and the Outdoor Sports Center concessionaire agreement with the Morgan Hill Youth Sports Alliance. In total, an estimated $900,000 in revenue will be generated each Fiscal Year to support service delivery.
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