FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget
Street Maintenance: Lighting, 010.6100 Vegetation Control, Storm Drain, and Pavement Repair Division Description Under this budget activity, the Community Services Maintenance Team maintains the City’s roadway system in good repair to provide safe and serviceable roadways at all times. Activities that support this mission are maintenance of sidewalks, curb & gutter, storm drain infrastructure, public parking lots, 3,700 street lights, 45 traffic signals and beacons, street signage, pavement, pavement markings, and street trees. The Team utilizes both in house services and a variety of maintenance contracts to provide the economical quality service for the City. In addition to maintaining the infrastructure outlined, the team also provides roadside weed abatement for fire prevention and debris removal. The Division is responsible for the annual cleaning and clearing of the City’s storm drain system and leads winter storm responses. The Division regularly supports the Police Department with traffic control, accident cleanup, and graffiti removal. Ongoing support from the Division is provided to the City’s Code Compliance Division for cleanup of illegal debris on City owned properties and rights of way. The Division implements minor improvements to City streets and right of way at the direction of the City Engineer. Completed annual winter storm system maintenance work, including inspection and catch basin cleaning, storm hot spot locations, and other storm system infrastructure maintenance to prepare for storm season • Responded to El Nino storm related issues including downed trees and limbs, flooding and drainage ditch repairs • Completed weed abatement for fire prevention on City properties and rights of way • Continued alternative work program utilizing CalFire low risk inmates to abate weeds in drainage waterways and rights of way • Piloted a maintenance pavement project to remove and replace (R&R) large areas of deficient asphalt to determine feasibility for an annual program FY 2016-17 and 2017-18 Accomplishments • Continued annual program to seal and refresh City owned parking lot facilities • Completed multiple sidewalk repair projects to protect public safety •
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