FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget



Introduction to Department The Morgan Hill Fire Department, through a cooperative fire protection agreement w ith CAL FIRE, pro v ides all-risk emergency services including advanced life support (paramedics) and administration to the citizens of Morgan Hill. The City owns the two fire statio n s, all apparatus and e quipment, w hile CAL FIRE provides the personnel. Core services provided includ e emergency resp onse, community education, business in spections, and fire pre ve nti on. The Department offers serv ice s from two fire e n g ine co mpanies and a third through an agreement with the South Santa Clara County Fire District, in w hich the City partially funds for staff in g . The Morgan Hill Fire Department's fire and rescue personnel work a 72-hour shift. Minimum staffing is nine (9) line personnel including at least three (3) paramedics and one (1) chief officer. The Fire Marshal and Emergency Medical Services/Training Captain are available to respond as additional capacity for responses when needed to incidents or to staff the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The Fire Marshal's office provides technical information, advice and recommendations regarding enactment, amendment, repeal, and enforcement of fire prevention and suppression ordinances and regulations within the City. In cooperation with the City and the City Attorney, enforce and provide services required by the Morgan Hill Municipal Code and mandated by the State and Federal Government, including brush abatement inspections in the Wildland Urban Interface. FY 2016-17 and 2017-18 Accomplishments • Initiated new five (5) year Cooperative Agreement between the City and CAL FIRE • Boundary drop with South Santa Clara County Fire District • Center for Public Safety Management (CPSM) independent analysis of fire operations and administration • Exterior painting and new roofing of Dunne Hill fire station • Added one (1) Fire Apparatus Engineer-Paramedic position • Responded as part of Office of Emergency Services (OES) strike teams to the Loma, Sonoma/ Napa and Ventura county fires • Acquired Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for LUCAS CPR devices • Recruitment of new participants for the Explorer program • Implementation of the E-PCR (Electronic Patient Care Report) program • New medical director to oversee the paramedic program • Updated codes to the Weed Abatement program • Continued participation in the EOC • Purchase of a reserve fire engine

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