FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget

Economic Development


Division Description Economic Development (ED) is within the Development Service Department. The division is focused on improving the community’s economic sustainability and quality of life by helping create a strong, diversified local economy with a strong job base, a vibrant Downtown, thriving shopping centers and a variety of critical services including lodging and healthcare.

The ED Division is comprised of one (1) Economic Development Director, one (1) Economic Development Coordinator, and one (1) part-time (unbenefited) Economic Development Intern.

The ED team provides business retention, attraction and development assistance, marketing and branding, policy analysis and development, partnerships, advancement of key development initiatives, Downtown development and placemaking, High Speed Rail and tourism. Paramount to Economic Development’s effort is attracting jobs and investment that will improve the community’s quality of life and grow the economy through increased sales tax, business to business tax, and transient occupancy tax. The City’s 2017 Economic Blueprint identifies a robust and detailed work program that guides the City’s ED efforts intended to support economic prosperity and create fiscal sustainability by focusing on: 1) growing existing companies, attracting new industry, and growing professional jobs in the area of Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing; 2) growing retail offerings and strengthen commercial nodes; 3) growing and fostering the medical service and diagnostics industry by attracting services and facilities; and 4) growing leisure, agriculture, wine country, and recreational tourism. FY 2016-17 and 2017-18 Accomplishments • Telecommunications is a 2017, and continues to be, a Strategic Priority for the City Council in 2018. To support the Telecommunications Strategy, the ED team: o developed a “Dig Once” Ordinance and design guidelines, (but not yet adopted) o explored public-private partnership models with Spectrum and Wave Broadband to implement a pilot program supporting an industrial park, o supported a grant opportunity from National Science Foundation in partnership with Joint Venture Silicon Valley Community Broadband initiative to extend local fiber to the home,  drafted opposition language to SB 649 to deploy small cells, participated in Joint Venture’s smart cities initiative, working to foster a pilot deployment project in Morgan Hill, and o adopted scoring criteria for the RDCS manual for creating smart homes in Morgan Hill


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