FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget



Project No.


Park Enhancements


Parks & Recreation


Community Services

Council Priorities Supporting Our Youth, Seniors and Entire Community


Various City Parks

Project Description This is a multi-year project, focused on improvements that expand the use of City Parks, specifically the construction of new shade facilities and park restrooms. The project would develop a new shade structure within a City Park every other year starting in Fiscal Year 2018/19. The need for additional shade in parks was identified during the recent community outreach for the Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan update. These amenities will allow for increased use of park facilities in the summer and would be strategically placed above or adjacent to play structures. Parks identified for future shade structures include: the Civic Center Tot Lot, Galvan Park, Paradise Park, Nordstrom Park, and Jackson Park. Park restrooms are planned to be added at Paradise Park and Nordstrom Park in Fiscal Year 2022/23. Restrooms at specific parks were one of the most desired amenities outlined in the update Master Plan. They would allow for longer stays at the parks that have been designated as "Small Community Parks" per the Master Plan. Prior to the restrooms being constructed, funds for the ongoing maintenance of the restrooms would need to be identified and secured. Project Justification The project was identified as a top priority in the recently adopted Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan. This project supports longer stays at parks and increased use of parks.

2019-2024 Six-Year Capital Improvement Program

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