FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget



Project No.


New Fire Stations


Public Facilities


Engineering & Utilities/ Fire

Council Priorities Public Safety


Butterfield Blvd

Project Description A third Fire Station has been recommended per the City’s Public Safety Master Plan. During the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency, the settlement agreement provided for the City to retain property on Butterfield Boulevard for this third Fire Station. However, the agreement requires the property be constructed by 2024. In addition to the cost of the construction of the building, there would be approximately $1.5 million in new equipment costs associated with outfitting the station. The project budget accounts for a facility approximately 5,000 feet in size. Design and construction would be timed for the building to be completed by the deadline established in the settlement agreement. Funding of $167,000 in 2018/19, is allocated to fund the purchase of equipment to outfit the current reserve engine. To be put into use currently, all equipment from another engine must be transferred to the reserve engine. By outfitting the current reserve engine, it would allow for it to be put in use simultaneously with existing engines. In addition to the Fire Station Expansion, the Morgan Hill Fire Department would like to install traffic preemption citywide. It would be most appropriate that this is funded from the Fire Impact Fee versus the Traffic Impact Fee as the expansion provides for increased emergency response times to support the growth of the City. The project would cost approximately $500,000 to implement but is currently unfunded and will be reviewed for possible inclusion in the Fire Impact Fee with the upcoming fee study. Project Justification The expansion is required to provide responsive Emergency Medical Service (EMS) and fire response as the community grows.

2019-2024 Six-Year Capital Improvement Program

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