FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget



Project No.


Corporation Yard Long Term Plan


Public Facilities


Engineering & Utilities/Community Services

Council Priorities Public Safety, Protecting the Environment


100 Edes Court

Project Description The Corporation Yard is part of a 6-acre improved facility shared by the City's Engineering and Utilities, Community Services, and Police Departments and the Morgan Hill Unified School District Transportation yard. The School District leases approximately 4 acres of the site from the City for bus parking, maintenance, and transportation office space. For most of the remaining site, the traditional City Corporation Yard houses the maintenance personnel, equipment, and material that provide utilities services and streets and parks maintenance services. The facility is made up of office space, training room space, interior and exterior materials storage bays, fleet parking, and the command and control center for the utilities operations. The City commissioned a Corporation Yard Master Plan in 2003 and it determined that the site currently used for the traditional yard activities will not suffice for (at the time) the 20-year horizon. Both the City and MHUSD need additional space. However, it has not yet been determined what those space needs are and if there may be a possibility of reorganizing space at the site to meet the needs of both organizations. The first step in finding a suitable site for the joint corporation yard is to perform a needs and space assessment for both agencies. In FY 2018/19 a space needs assessment will be conducted with both agencies sharing the cost. The updated Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan no longer calls for the entire Corporation Yard site to be utilized for park space in the future, so this may present an even greater opportunity for reorganization of the existing site.

2019-2024 Six-Year Capital Improvement Program

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