FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget


3. Compliance Inspections and Repairs The City proactively works to maintain the general condition of the existing sewer system and this project consists of identifying areas of the existing sewer system that do not comply with existing design and construction standards. Additionally, this project includes identifying areas of the existing sewer system requiring repair.

Project Justification 1. Pipeline Improvements (P1-5)

Sewer pipelines subject to deteriorated conditions should be replaced to ensure an adequate level of service. Deteriorated sewer pipelines may fail imminently and cause disruption in service and public safety concerns.

2. Repair & Replacements (Groups 1-9) The 2017 Sewer System Master Plan recommended the repair or replacement of sewer pipelines with major structural defects. These replacements and repairs are intended to mitigate existing pipeline issues before complete pipeline failure occurs, which can result in sanitary sewer overflows and property damage. The recommended improvements are grouped and phased based on criticality and proximity to other pipeline projects. 3. Compliance Inspections and Repairs The City proactively works to maintain the general condition of the existing sewer system and works to identify areas out of compliance with the existing design and construction standards as well as areas requiring repair. This project is intended to mitigate areas of concern within the sewer system.

Strategic Planning Documents 2017 Sewer System Master Plan

2019-2024 Six-Year Capital Improvement Program

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