FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget


2. Sewer SystemManagement Plan Updates The Sewer System Management Plan is a collection of policies, procedures, and activities that cover the planning, management, operation, and maintenance of the City's sewer system. The Sewer System Management Plan is a regulatory document required by the State Water Resources Control Board and is intended to be updated every five years. 3. Holiday Lakes Gravity Line Feasibility Study This study is intended to identify opportunities to reroute flows to consolidated gravity mains in lieu of the current force main network. Where feasible, areas would be identified to eliminate small lift stations, and consolidate into larger regional type stations. Additionally, this study would identify the potential to move gravity lines into street right of way in lieu of easements crossing property lines. 4. Lift Station Condition Assessment As part of the City's ongoing maintenance program, lift stations are periodically repaired and upgraded to ensure that they function properly. To evaluate the useful life of the lift stations, a condition assessment analysis will be performed on the City's older lift stations. This assessment will identify parts in need of repair or replacement and score the lift stations to prioritize the use of capital funds. 5. Inflow & Infiltration/ Cross Connection Elimination Study The study will involve identifying sources of sewer system infiltration and inflow and cross connections between storm drainage and sewer system pipelines. These cross connections contribute stormwater to the sewer system during rainfall events and can lead to sanitary sewer overflows. 6. Sewer Trunk Line Condition Assessment Perform cleaning and closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspection of the existing sewer trunk line from Monterey Road and Llagas Creek to the South County Regional Wastewater Authority Treatment Plant. The inspection will include a condition assessment rating of all pipeline segments and manholes using the National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) standards. The project will inspect approximately 10.6 miles of pipeline and 128 manholes.

Project Justification

1. Sewer SystemMaster Plan Updates The City most recently updated the Sewer SystemMaster Plan in 2017. To continue to effectively plan, develop, and finance the City's sewer system infrastructure, regular updates to the plan are necessary. This allows for consistency with potential changes to development, sewer system operations, and capital improvement project funding and prioritization. 2. Sewer SystemManagement Plan Updates The goal of the Sewer System Management Plan is to provide a plan and schedule to properly manage, operate, and maintain all parts of the sanitary sewer system, which will help reduce and prevent any sanitary sewer overflows as well as mitigate any sanitary sewer overflows that do occur.

2019-2024 Six-Year Capital Improvement Program

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