Nonetheless, with the projected modest growth in the City’s existing tax base, not only was the City afforded to maintain its current service levels, it also allowed the City to build in certain service enhancements that we had forecasted last year, including funding for the staffing of the third fire station which is slated to open in late 2024, the hiring of two (2) additional police officers, one in each budget year, and funding for the City’s share of the new Downtown Property Based Improvement District (PBID). Besides the enhancements mentioned above, other enhancements included in this budget are mostly non- General Fund and they are either necessary to meet our residents’ demands, required by regulations, and/or to protect the City’s assets and infrastructure. The Recommended Operating Budget also includes adjustments for certain personnel classifications to keep the City competitive with surrounding jurisdictions to address retention and recruitment issues. Included in the budget is continued funding of about $200,000 annually for Community Promotions to support Community organizations through fee waivers, event sponsorships, and program support. The table below itemizes the enhancements for all funds included in the Recommended Operating Budget:


General Fund Add 2.0 FTEs Police Officers (1.0 FTE in each year)

Add 1.0 FTE Maintenance Worker II (funded by Recology's Implementation Fund) Add 0.75 FTE Deputy City Attorney (offset by reduction in contract services and part time salaries) Add 0.25 FTE Administrative Analyst Staffing for the Third Fire Station Reclassify Accountant to Senior Accountant (50% General Fund) Reclassify Police Corporal to Police Sergeant

Non-General Fund Add 1.0 FTE Accounting Assistant I/II (Utilities) Add 1.0 FTE Utilities Technology Specialist (Utilities)

Add 1.0 Utilities Facilities Security Coordinator (Starting FY26, Utilities) Add 1.0 Building/Fire Inspector (Pending Fee Study, Development Services) Add 1.0 Management Analyst (Pending Fee Study, Development Services) Reclassify Vacant Engineering Technician to Public Works Inspector (CIP) Reclassify IT Programmer to IT Network Architect (Information Services) Reclassify Management Analyst to Administrative Analyst (Utilities)


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