Maintenance Services Division

Street Maintenance


Division Description Under this budget activity, the Maintenance Team maintains the City ’ s roadway system to provide safe and serviceable roadways and related facilities. In addition to City roadways, other related facilities include sidewalks, curbs and gutters, the City storm drain system, unimproved City rights - of - way (ROW), streetlights, traffic signals, street signage, street trees, and various other infrastructures. The Maintenance Team uses both in - house services and a variety of maintenance contracts to provide an economical, quality service for the City. In addition to maintaining the infrastructure outlined, the team also provides roadside weed abatement for fire prevention and debris removal. The Division is responsible for the annual cleaning and clearing of the City ’ s storm drain system and leads winter storm responses. The Division also recently took over graffiti abatement from the Police Department. The Division regularly supports the Police Department with traffic control and accident cleanup. Ongoing support from the Division is provided to the City ’ s Code Compliance Division for cleanup of illegal debris on City - owned properties and ROW. The Division implements minor improvements to City streets and ROW at the direction of the City Engineer. Funding for Street Maintenance comes primarily from the City ’ s share of State gas taxes and transfers from the wastewater and water enterprise funds reflecting their responsibility for wear and tear on the streets and pavement repairs associated with utility system breaks. Since gas taxes are collected based on gallons of gasoline, and not on the price of gas itself, the amount of gas tax revenue received by the City has, until recently, remained essentially flat, while the cost of street maintenance has increased over time due to inflation and increased traffic. The City is now receiving additional revenue from State Senate Bill 1 (2017) and Measure B (2016), which the City is dedicating completely to the Pavement Rehabilitation Projects within the Capital Improvement Program.


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