FY 2425 2526 Recommended Operating Budget

Engineering Division

Infrastructure Planning, Operational Support and Traffic Congestion Management


Division Description This Division is responsible for supporting the planning for City Infrastructure in the areas of Water, Wastewater, Transportation/Traffic, Storm Drainage, Parks, and Recreation facilities. Additionally, the Division is responsible for providing engineering support to the operating divisions which maintain the City ’ s infrastructure. Traffic Congestion Management is still an activity of the Division, which includes the City ’ s share of funding paid to the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Congestion Management Program (CMP). It is important to note that the Division provides the function for the work outlined, but no dedicated staff. Limited portions of staff time from the Public Services Director, City Engineer, and support staff are dedicated to the overall infrastructure planning function. The Infrastructure Planning budget consists primarily of salaries for staff supporting the activities in this area. The approximate annual payment due to VTA as the City's share of regional congestion management services is also included in this budget. The City provides the required annual report and participation in regional transportation meetings. FY 2022 - 23 and 2023 - 24 Accomplishments • Supported the update to the Wastewater System Master Plan. • Participated in VTA activities to facilitate City compliance with the CMP. • Provided support to Morgan Hill ’ s representative on the VTA Board, Policy Advisory Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, and the South County Board Briefing team. • Coordinated the commencement of the City ’ s first Transportation Master Plan.


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