FY 2425 2526 Recommended Operating Budget

Land Development Engineering (continued)

FY 2022 - 23 and 2023 - 24 Accomplishments • Published a new Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in March 2024 to generate a new list of on - call consultants to assist the Division in engineering plan reviews, mapping reviews, and provide other technical support on an as - needed basis. • Updated the City ’ s water meter objective criteria for SB 330 housing development applications to standardize the water meter requirements for each housing type. • Revised the Division ’ s process of recording final maps and associated agreements for a smooth hand - off of documents to developer ’ s title company and timely recordation of documents at the County Recorder ’ s office. • Started to perform Engineering fee transactions using the financial module of the City ’ s permit system (TRAKiT) to replace manual fee entries and collection by the Finance Department. • As of March 2024, reviewed seven Preliminary SB330 residential applications, 19 Design Review applications, six Design Amendments, five Use Permit applications, eight Tentative Maps, 117 Building Permit applications (34 Residential plot plans, 19 Accessory Dwelling Units or ADUs, 38 commercial applications, and 26 other applications), nine Grading & Site Development Permit applications, five Master Plans, and processed Offsite Improvement Plans for eight residential projects and one commercial project, and seven Final Maps. FY 2024 - 25 and 2025 - 26 Activity Goals • Improve the Division ’ s review turn - around times for Planning, Building, and Engineering permit applications. • Continue to provide the Planning Division with updates to Engineering - related objective criteria for SB 330 housing development applications to ensure that projects comply with the new and updated City standards. • Continue to provide input on planned updates to City ’ s Infrastructure Master Plans and on - going Transportation Master Plan. • Draft proposed updates to City ’ s Municipal Code related to the undergrounding of existing overhead utility lines.


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