FY 2425 2526 Recommended Operating Budget

Environmental Services Division Environmental Services


Division Description The Environmental Services Division (ESD) is responsible for oversight of the City ’ s franchise agreement for solid waste management services and waste reduction programs needed to meet the legal requirements of the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939) and the California Short - Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Law of 2016 (SB 1383). These programs include source reduction, recycling, composting, public education, and household hazardous waste management. Ensuring that solid wastes, including organics and household hazardous wastes, are properly collected, recycled, and managed is a core service protecting public health. Nearly every household participates in the recycling program and over 10% of all households now participate annually in the household hazardous waste management program. In addition to supporting the City of Morgan Hill, Division staff also provide limited support to the City of Gilroy through a contract for these services. The other major activity of the Division is to support climate action, energy efficiency, renewable energy generation, and the City ’ s participation in Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) and regional sustainability efforts. In December 2021, the City approved a Climate Action Plan (CAP) with the main goal to reduce Morgan Hill ’ s net CO 2 emissions in the building and transportation sectors 35% below the 2020 baseline level by 2030 and 100% below the 2020 baseline level by 2045. FY 2022 - 23 and 2023 - 24 Accomplishments • ESD engaged with grant opportunities which resulted in approximately $2.2 million of grant funds being awarded to the City from 2022 - 2024. o Department of Water Resources (DWR) grant has enabled the City to implement the Butterfield Basin Retrofit Project to comply with State trash capture requirements, increase groundwater infiltration, and reduce local flooding.  Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) grant has enabled the City to hire a part time environmental specialist focused on implementing the goals of the City ’ s adopted Climate Action Plan (CAP). Achievements have included hosting the first annual Clean Air Week, design and roll - out of the Induction Cooktop Loaner Program, meaningful engagement and partnerships with Community groups on clean energy topics, and more.


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