FY 2425 2526 Recommended Operating Budget


246.5820 010.5815

Solid Waste Services

FY 2024 - 25 and 2025 - 26 Activity Goals • Lead TAC through implementation of the FY 2024 - 25 and 2025 - 26 approved budgets. • Continue to evaluate internal processes for program administration. • Continue to refine the internal Countywide Solid Waste Program Handbook that clear ly defines roles, goals, and objectives for the TAC Administrator and Contracting Agent roles. • Establish remote meetings for the RWRC Technical Advisory Committee, and Imple mentation Committee. Financial Comments As Fiscal Agent, the County is the entity authorized and responsible for collecting County solid waste fees from local disposal sites. The City sends a Fund Transfer Request quar terly to the County to cover costs related to the City ’ s role as TAC Administrator and Con tracting Agent as well as all contract costs. These revenues come into Fund 246. The City ’ s external costs, primarily contracts, are budgeted in 246.5820 while the City ’ s inter nal costs, primarily staff and office related, are budgeted in 010.5815.


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