FY 2425 2526 Recommended Operating Budget
Parks and Recreation Division
Facility Rentals
Division Description The Facility Rentals program is responsible for event management, facility leases, and daily reservations for use of the City ’ s park and recreation amenities. Customer activities include social and business events at the Community & Cultural Center (CCC), City - wide events, meeting use of the Council Chambers, and use of the City ’ s athletic fields by local youth athletic associations among many others. The Division is responsible for overseeing the operations and maintenance agreement for management of the City ’ s Outdoor Sports Center (OSC). Balancing cost - recovery with Community access and affordability is the foundation for all recreation service delivery. The Facility Rentals program strives to balance local and regional use to ensure that Morgan Hill Community ’ s recreation facility needs are satisfied, while at the same time encouraging individuals and groups from the Bay Area to utilize the City ’ s facilities. This provides the City with an opportunity to serve its local athletic groups and generate additional revenue from large tournament rentals, including local sales and transient occupancy taxes. The Facility Rentals team continually evaluates facility usage, user demand, and Public Services Department program needs. FY 2022 - 23 and 2023 - 24 Accomplishments • Supported local Community groups by providing over 2,000 hours of low - cost facility use through the Community Center ’ s Community Use Program. • Partnered to host VOICES school at the CCC for two full school years. School hours aligned perfectly with the traditional underutilized time periods at the CCC. • Partnered with the Morgan Hill Outdoor Sports Center (MHOSC) to operate the OSC at no direct cost to the City, balancing cost recovery and Community access, by providing approximately 5,000 hours of local Community sports field rentals, while also supporting economic development by hosting 20 major events. • Hosted Far Westerns and Adult Masters swim meets at the Aquatics Center (AC), both regional events bringing tens of thousands of visitors into Morgan Hill, supporting economic development through Sports Tourism. • Collaborated with Pony Baseball to rent field space at Community Park to help expand youth baseball programs and make improvements to the fields for the general Community. • Constructed three new rentable BBQ areas within Community Park, including one inside the Magical Bridge Playground.
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