FY 2425 2526 Recommended Operating Budget

Planning Documents (continued)

The Economic Blueprint can be accessed at: https://www.choosemorganhill.com/ industries/ Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan (Master Plan) The Master Plan, which the Council adopted on July 20, 2017, guides the improvement and future development of the City ’ s bikeways, trail, parks and recreation system in the City. It is a Community - driven tool for staff and decision - makers to prioritize improvements and investments. The Master Plan supports goals and programs to improve our City ’ s health, environment, connectivity and recreation options. The Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan can be accessed at: https://www.morganhill.ca.gov/1429/ Master - Plan - for - Parks - Trails - and - Bikeway Public Safety Master Plan In 2016, the City Council commissioned a Public Safety Master Plan (PSMP) to assess current service levels and provide a foundation for future policy decisions to enhance the City's Police and Fire services. Public safety has been the City Council's highest priority for many years and the majority of the General Fund revenues are allocated to Public Safety to keep our community safe.

Maintaining a safe community will require an additional investment of resources in the coming years. The PSMP will serve as a foundational document for service delivery (including personnel levels) decisions well into the future. The goal is to maintain Morgan Hill's quality of life by ensuring Public Safety remains the top priority. The Public Safety Plan can be accessed at: https://cld.bz/bookdata/cc1zFC/basic html/page - 1.html Water and Sewer System Master Plans Upon the completion of the 2035 General Plan in 2016, the City ’ s utilities master plans were updated to reflect the infrastructure needs associated with the growth anticipated in the General Plan. The utilities master plans become the City ’ s blueprint for building out the water and sewer infrastructure to meet the Community ’ s needs now and as the City grows. In addition to identifying future infrastructure, the water and sewer master plans also identify existing system deficiencies to allow the City to plan for the resources necessary for both maintaining the existing systems and to build out the future infrastructure. The Water and Sewer System Master Plans were adopted by the City Council on October 18, 2017. The Water System Master Plan was subsequently updated and adopted by the City Council on


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