FY 2425 2526 Recommended Operating Budget

Description of Funds (continued)

Traffic Impact, Sewer and Water Impact Funds, provide additional funding.

Successor Housing Agency (255) This fund accounts for the Successor Agency ’ s housing assets and activities. The City Council governs the fiscal actions of this fund. This fund is projected to receive modest program income in the form of rents, loan repayments, State grants, etc. Other Special Revenue Funds There are six other special revenue funds. The balances in these funds are restricted by law and/or ordinance. The funds include: • Asset Seizure Fund (225) • Mobile Home Park Rent Stabilization Fund (234) • Senior Housing Trust Fund (235) • Housing Mitigation Fund (236) • Employee Assistance Fund (240) • Countywide Solid Waste Administration (246) • Public Art (260) The Senior Housing Trust Fund was established to account for the funds that were set aside to fund programs for elderly persons over the age of 55, while the Housing Mitigation Fund was established to provide for housing related programs and projects. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS The Capital Projects Funds are used to account for the financial resources to be

CDBG/CDBG Revolving Loan Funds (215/216) The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and CDBG Revolving Loan Funds are special revenue funds used to account for Federal low and moderate income housing program funds. These funds are restricted to low and moderate income housing uses. Lighting and Landscape District (229) The Lighting and Landscape District Fund is a special revenue fund which derives monies from special property assessments to support City maintenance services in park and landscape areas within residential developments that were originally included in the District. Community Facilities District (230) Community Facilities District Fund is a special revenue fund, which derives monies from a special tax to support the maintenance and evaluation of the re vegetated area along Fisher Creek. Environmental Programs Fund (232) The Environmental Programs Fund is a special revenue fund that is used to account for Burrowing Owl and Stormwater Pollution & Prevention activities.


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