FY 24-25 thru 29-30 CIP Budget
City of Morgan Hill Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 – FY 2029-30
Project Name: Water Facility Rehabilitation
Project No. WA6003
Funding Source(s)
F653 - Water CIP Fund
Council Priorities Enhancing Public Safety and Quality of Life Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure Healthy Community
Strategic Planning Documents
2021 Water System Master Plan
Project Description This project is intended to ensure reservoir, well, and pump station capital repairs and replacements occur on an ongoing basis. The project includes replacement of pumps, generators, and other components within the water system. This project will also support the larger replacements and repairs that occur unexpectedly within the system. The first three years of the CIP include the rehabilitation of two booster stations and replacement of one generator.
The Jackson Booster Generator was replaced FY 2023-24. The East Dunne Booster pump 1C is scheduled to be replaced at the beginning of FY 2025-26.
Project Justification Routine replacement of capital assets of the water system components ensures reliable delivery of water service to the Community.
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