FY 24-25 thru 29-30 CIP Budget
City of Morgan Hill Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 – FY 2029-30
Project Name: Utility System Solar
Project No. WA6011
Funding Source(s)
F643- Sewer CIP Fund F653 - Water CIP Fund
Council Priorities
Fiscal Sustainability Protecting the Environment and Preserving Open Space and Agricultural Land Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure
Strategic Planning Documents
Climate Action Plan
Project Description The City has identified an opportunity to add significant solar energy generation systems at multiple City facilities to support the cost containment on power rates, support environmental protection, and support the expanding power needs of the City facilities. New solar generation facilities have been identified at the Civic Center, Police Department, Community and Cultural Center, Aquatics Center, Corporation Yard and at two City well sites. The initial design of these projects is currently underway. This project will fund the two well sites solar installation and the utilities portion of the Corporation Yard solar installation. The solar well sites are located at Nordstrom Park and at the Outdoor Sports Center.
Project Justification Implementing solar systems at City facilities will support resilience of the energy grid and provide for cost savings on energy costs.
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