FY 24-25 thru 29-30 CIP Budget
City of Morgan Hill Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 – FY 2029-30
Project Name : Traffic Signal and Intersection Improvements Project No. SR5003
Streets & Roads
Funding Source(s)
F309 - Traffic Impact Fund
Council Priorities Enhancing Public Safety and Quality of Life Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure Transportation
Strategic Planning Documents Vision Zero
General Plan Circulation Element
Project Description The construction of new traffic signals and i ntersection improvements is planned in order to meet the growing traffic demands within the C ommunity and for safety enhancement purposes. Intersections identified for potential signalization or improvements include: • Hale Avenue at Wright Avenue • Hale Avenue at Tilton Avenue • Watsonville Road & Santa Teresa Blvd./Sunnyside Avenue • Monterey Road & Rome Avenue (Assessment with Transportation Master Plan) Other potential intersection improvements are identified in the Morgan Hill Intersection Capacity Analysis for the following intersections: Condit Road & East Dunne Avenue, Butterfield Boulevard & Tennant Avenue, Monterey Road & Main Avenue, Butterfield Bo ulevard & East Dunne Avenue and Monterey Road & West Edmundson Avenue/Tennant Avenue. Additionally, the City is nearing completion of its Transportation Master Plan, which will identify future priority improvements in this area. Project Justification Intersection improvements can improve or accommodate traffic congestion resulting from higher use of City of Morgan Hill roadways. Improvements can also increase pedestrian and bikeway safety in alignment with the City’s Vision Zero Policy . Reduced traffic delays have been an expressed desire among many Morgan Hill residents.
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