FY 24-25 thru 29-30 CIP Budget
City of Morgan Hill Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 – FY 2029-30
Project Name: Pavement Rehabilitation
Project No. SR5004
Streets & Roads
Funding Source(s)
F308 - Street CIP
Council Priorities Enhancing Public Safety and Quality of Life Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure Transportation
Strategic Planning Documents Vision Zero
General Plan Circulation Element
Project Description This ongoing program is intended to address the City's pavement rehabilitation needs. Locations for maintenance are selected based on the individual condition of the street, the use of the street, and the type of the street. The City prioritizes maintaining the Arterial and Collector streets within the City, while funding work on residential streets is performed when funds are available. The 2024 planned Pavement Rehabilitation includes: East Dunne Avenue Overpass from Condit Road to Laurel Road, Del Monte Avenue from 2 nd Street to Keystone Avenue, Del Monte Avenue from Spring Avenue to Cosmo Avenue, Keystone Avenue from Del Monte Avenue to Monterey Road, San Pedro from Butterfield Boulevard to Walnut Grove Drive , San Ramon Drive from San Pedro Avenue to San Marcos Drive, Markross Court , Cochrane Circle, and arterial street sealing as funds are available. The 2025 planned Pavement Rehabilitation includes the sealing/repaving of Monterey Road from Cochrane Road to East Middle Avenue/City limit. This project will be funded primarily from the $4 million OBAG III Grant Project that the City has been awarded. The project will also fill sidewalk gaps, improve curb ramps, install new medians, and improve bike lanes. Outside of the Monterey Road Project, roadways planned for rehabilitation include Llagas Road, streets within Woodland Acres Neighborhood, Sunnyside Avenue, Railroad Avenue from Tennant Avenue to San Pedro Avenue, and arterial street sealing as funds are available. Project Justification Pavement rehabilitation extends the surface life of streets, thus reducing repair costs in the future. Safely maintained streets support vehicle safety and reduced damage to vehicles of our Community members.
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