FY 24-25 thru 29-30 CIP Budget
City of Morgan Hill Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 – FY 2029-30
Project Name : Bike, Pedestrian and Traffic Safety
Project No. SR5005
Streets & Roads
Funding Source(s)
F346-Public Facilities (nonAB1600) fund
Council Priorities Enhancing Public Safety and Quality of Life Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure Transportation
Strategic Planning Documents Vision Zero
General Plan Circulation Element
Project Description This project will implement pedestrian, bicycle and safety improvements. Projects included have been identified by residents and staff and have been prioritized to increase safety in alignment with the City’s Vision Zero Policy. Due to limited funding, many of the projects listed below will require outside funding to complete. Additionally, it is anticipated that the Transportation Master Plan, which is currently underway, will identify additional priority improvements. Current projects in design/planning include: • Addition of enhanced crosswalks a t various locations throughout the City including: Hale Ave. at Stoney Creek Way, Central Ave. and Monterey Rd. next to Britton School, Walnut Grove Dr. near San Dimas Ln., Dunne Avenue at Pine Way and Tassara Cr., Peak Ave. at Alkire Ave., and Watsonville Road between La Alameda Dr. and Sunnyside Ave. • Intersection improvements at Jarvis Dr. and Sutter Blvd. • Improvements to the intersection and pedestrian travel paths near Cochrane Rd. and Malaguerra Ave. • Improved striping on Diana Avenue between Murphy Ave. and Hill Rd. • Improvements in Downtown medians near select crosswalks. • Construction of new sidewalk on San Pedro Ave. between San Ramon Dr. and Nina Ln. • Improvements to the sidewalks on Bisceglia Ave. between Monterey Rd. and Church St. • The addition of an enhanced crosswalk on Watsonville Road between La Alameda Dr. and Sunnyside Ave.
Project Justification
Projects in this area have been prioritized to enhance safety in the City’s public streets.
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