FY 24-25 thru 29-30 CIP Budget

City of Morgan Hill Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 – FY 2029-30

Project Name: New/Replacement Sewer Lines

Project No. WW3009



Funding Source(s)

F641 - Sewer Impact Fund F643 - Sewer CIP Fund

Council Priorities Protecting the Environment and Preserving Open Space and Agricultural Land Enhancing Public Safety and Quality of Life Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure Healthy Community

Strategic Planning Documents

2024 Sewer System Master Plan

Project Description The Sewer Capacity projects are intended to provide for the expansion of the sewer system infrastructure to maintain service levels and prepare for future growth requirements. Key geographic areas have been identified for this effort which include but not limited to: 1. Butterfield Trunk (BT -FM1) - Replace 350 feet of an existing 6-inch sewer line with an 8-inch pipeline from Lift Station G to Monterey Road. 2. Hale/Llagas Trunk (HL-P1) - Upsize 2,250 feet of 8-inch gravity main with 10-inch line from Llagas Rd. to Hale Ave. 3. East Dunne Trunk (ED-P1) - Upsize 1,600 feet of 8-inch gravity main with 10-inch line from Peppertree Dr. to Condit Rd. 4. Hill/Barett Trunk (HB-P2) - Upsize 850 feet of 8-inch gravity main with 10-inch line from East Dunne Ave. to Sundance Dr. Route flows 100% south along Hill Rd. 5. Railroad/Monterey Trunk (RM-P5)- Upsize 1200 feet of 10-inch gravity main with 12-inch line from Calle Sueno to Monterey Rd. Route flows 80% east along Main Ave., 20% south along Monterey Rd. Project Justification The City's 2024 Sewer System Master Plan outlines the orderly construction of sewer infrastructure intended to accommodate future growth, while maintaining adequate levels of service. To meet these levels of service requirements, the Master Plan recommended the replacement and upsizing of the pipelines to meet the growing capacity needs of the sewer system. This increase in sewer system capacity will allow for the planned development as specified in the City's General Plan. The replacement costs will be met with a combination of sewer collection system rates and impact fees from new development.

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