Flyer Template - Word
Candidate Statement
It is recommended that care be taken to ensure that the word limit is not exceeded. Candidates are encouraged to request a review of the statement word count and format with the City Clerk's Office before submission of nomination documents.
The candidate statement shall not include the candidate's party affiliation nor membership or activity in partisan political organizations. If the statement contains the name of an endorsee, the candidate shall submit written approval from that individual to use their name in the statement. When a quote is used, the candidate shall provide the original document in which the quote was printed or a signed statement from the quoted person. In addition, the statement shall not in any way refer to other candidates for that office or to another candidate's qualifications, character, or activities. Statement authors may be held liable for any false, slanderous, or libelous statements offered for printing or contained in the official sample ballot. The City Clerk shall reject any statement containing any obscene, vulgar, profane, scandalous, libelous or defamatory matter and any language or matter prohibited through the US Mail.
Elections Code provides that the statement of each candidate be printed in type that is of uniform size and darkness and with uniform spacing. Therefore, candidates may not use:
• Underlining (including publication names or titles referenced)
• Any form of emphasis such as italics , bold print , dashes (-) , bullets ( ●) , stars (*), etc.
• Multiple punctuation ("……" or "-------- "or "!!!!!!")
In addition to the word count limit, statements are limited to a maximum of five paragraphs for the statement to fit onto a single page in the official sample ballot. The statement shall be written in first person tense and limited to the candidate's background and qualifications.
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17575 Peak Avenue | Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 779-7259 |
Rev. 03/16/22
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