Teammate Handbook Cover


There are three types of retirement benefts: • Service retirement or “normal” retirement • Disability retirement • Industrial disability retirement

Service Retirement or “Normal” Retirement

Emergency Retirement CalPERS will expedite retirement processing for you if you are terminally ill or facing imminent death. Contact CalPERS or your employer immediately if there is a need for emergency retirement.

To be eligible for service retirement, you must be at least age 50 and have a minimum of fve years of CalPERS-credited service. If you became a member on or after January 1, 2013, you must be at least age 52. If you are employed on a part-time basis, and have worked at least fve years, contact CalPERS to fnd out if an exception will apply to you. There is no mandatory retirement age for local miscellaneous members. If you are considering applying for a service retirement, refer to the CalPERS publications Planning Your Service Retirement (PUB 1) and A Guide to Completing Your CalPERS Service Retirement Election Application (PUB 43).

Disability Retirement

This type of retirement applies to you if you become disabled and can no longer perform the duties of your job. Disability retirement has no minimum age requirement, and does not have to be job-related. However, you must have a minimum of fve years of CalPERS service credit. If you are employed on a part-time basis and you have worked at least fve years, contact CalPERS to fnd out if an exception will apply to you.

Industrial Disability Retirement

Talk to your employer to fnd out if they have contracted for this beneft. This type of retirement applies to you if you become disabled from a job-related injury or illness and can no longer perform the duties of your job. Industrial disability retirement has no minimum age or service credit requirement. You may apply for a disability or industrial disability retirement if: • You are working for a CalPERS-covered employer; or • You are within four months of separation from a CalPERS-covered employer; or • You separated at any time from your CalPERS-covered employer because of a disability and you have remained disabled since then; or • You are on military or approved leave. Once CalPERS receives a complete application package from you or someone else on your behalf (such as your employer), we will review your fle to see if the information is current and complete. After verifcation for completeness, CalPERS can normally make a determination within four to six months.

C a l P E RS Memb e r P u b l i c a t i o n | L o c a l M i s c e l l a n e o u s


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