Teammate Handbook Cover

Survivor Continuance

In making a decision about whether to reduce your Unmodifed Allowance to provide for a benefciary, you will want to consider if your employer offers Survivor Continuance. This is a contracted employer-paid beneft that public agency employers can offer you. This beneft consists of a monthly allowance that automatically continues to an eligible survivor following your death after retirement regardless of the retirement option you select. Who Is Eligible? • Your spouse, if you were married for at least one year before your retirement and remained married until the date of your death, will receive the Survivor Continuance beneft for life. (For disability retirement, you need only to have been married at retirement and remained married until the date of your death.) • Your domestic partner, if you were legally registered at least one year prior to your retirement and continuously until your death, will receive the Survivor Continuance beneft for life. (For disability retirement, you need only to have been registered as domestic partners at retirement and remained registered until the date of your death.) • If you do not have an eligible spouse or registered domestic partner, your natural or adopted unmarried children under age 18 will receive this monthly beneft until marriage or age 18. An unmarried child who was disabled prior to age 18 and whose disability has continued without interruption will receive this beneft until the disability ends or until marriage. • Qualifying fnancially dependent parents, if none of the above.

Survivor Continuance Survivor Continuance will apply only if you have an eligible family member as of the date of your death.

Impact of Social Security If your service is not

coordinated with Social Security, the Survivor Continuance will be one half of your Unmodifed Allowance. If your service is coordinated with Social Security, the Survivor Continuance will be one quarter of your Unmodifed Allowance. If you have some time covered and some time not covered under Social Security, or if you have a combination of service under CalPERS with the state or a public agency, special consideration must be given to fgure the Survivor Continuance beneft amount.

C a l P E RS Memb e r P u b l i c a t i o n | L o c a l M i s c e l l a n e o u s


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