Teammate Handbook Cover
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1959 Survivor Beneft Talk to your employer to fnd out if they have contracted for this beneft. Applicable only for members not covered under Social Security while employed under a CalPERS-covered agency. The 1959 Survivor Death Beneft may not be payable if the Special Death Beneft is elected.
Eligible to Retire
If you pass away at age 50* or over with a minimum of fve years of CalPERS-credited service, your benefciary(ies) is eligible for the following monthly benefts: Pre-Retirement Option 2W** Death Beneft Talk to your employer to fnd out if they have contracted for this beneft. Your eligible spouse or registered domestic partner may choose to receive a monthly allowance equal to the amount you would have received if you had retired under a service retirement on the date of your death and elected Option 2W.** The beneft is payable to your spouse or domestic partner until death. Upon the death of your spouse or domestic partner, the beneft will continue to your natural or adopted unmarried children under age 18.
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1957 Survivor Beneft This beneft provides a monthly allowance equal to one-half of what your highest service retirement allowance would have been had you retired on the date of your death. Those eligible to receive this allowance are your spouse or registered domestic partner, or if none, your natural or adopted unmarried children under age 18.
* Or at least age 52 if you became a member on or after January 1, 2013. ** Provides 100 percent of the option portion of your ongoing monthly beneft.
C a l P E RS Memb e r P u b l i c a t i o n | L o c a l M i s c e l l a n e o u s
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